Thursday, 3 April 2008

I've never met a nice South African

I was in the pub last night and mentioned to a friend that i used to work for an aristocratic family in their guesthouse as general skivvy. One of the in-laws was a South African feller (who memorably introduced himself to my girlfriend's stepdad by giving his name and telling him "I'm worth £4million"). This chap would regularly tell us how well we were being paid (minimum wage), especially when compared to what he paid the blecks back in his home country, who were nonetheless very well provided for due to the low cost of living over there. Anyway, my friend began singing this song, which i had never heard before but is the funniest thing ever:

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

HFE Bill - Lord Alton's Power Point Presentation

As promised, here is the Powerpoint presentation for Lord Alton's talk on the HFE Bill.

April Phooled by my Fone

I was reading on the internet this morning, keeping an eye on the computer's clock because I needed to be at work for 2pm. The clock rolled round to 12pm, so i dragged myself out of bed thinking 2 hours was plenty of time to walk the dog, get a shower, get some lunch, etc. But when i checked my mobile phone it told me it was 1pm! Now, I trusted the time on the phone because I had changed it on Sunday after getting to work an hour late because i was caught out by the time adjustment. So, anyway, I rushed to get ready, took the dog out, quickly nabbed a sandwich from the nearby deli, and jumped onto a bus and got to work with (i thought) 2 minutes to spare.

"Don't you start at 2 o'clock?" asked on of my co-workers.

"It's the afternoon, its too late for an April's fool," said I.

Then i checked the clock and he was right. So it looks like my phone corrected itself for daylight saving time on April Fool's Day rather than last Sunday as it should have. Sheesh.